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Viola concertos? This is something unheard of to most people and even music lovers, unless they play the viola but, even in this case, few players know many of them. Yet, there are more than expected. Let's see what we can find out about the viola.
The origin of the Italian word concerto is not certain,
apparently it
means to contend, dispute, fight and also work together.
Over the centuries, the term concerto has changed its meaning, indicating slightly different forms.
At the beginning, in the 16th century, it was used for a group of voices, in fact the word concerto was used for the first time in 1519 in Rome, Italy, to refer to an ensemble of voices getting together with music.
The first publication with this name of works for voices and instruments is by the Venetians Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli, a collection of Concerti, dated 1587. Up to the first half of the 17th century, the term Concerti was used in Italy for vocal works accompanied by instruments, many publications appeared with this title. Initially also the word "sinfonia" was used instead of concerto.
Later, the word Concerto came to indicate a particular
form, involving a larger group of performers forming a contrast
with a smaller group of players or a solo instrument player, or various
groups of players within the orchestra.
It was during this period (from mid 16th
century) that
the instruments
of the so-called violin family
(violin, viola, cello, double bass) were created and the most famous
such as Amati, Stradivari and Guarneri, lived. In many cases the
doubled the five-part voice
ensembles, with two violins, two
violas (alto and tenor) and bass. See also the history of the viola
for more on this.
Meanwhile, this Italian musical form became known in Germany, so in 1619 the first works with this name appeared, by Schutz.
Towards the end of 1600 the instrumental concerto
started to appear.
This was generally a composition to be performed by a string orchestra.
Soon the composers started to write music exploiting the
differences in players' skills, alternating the whole ensemble (ripieno or filling) to a
smaller group of more skilled players (concertino).
This is the Concerto grosso.
From the beginning of the 18th century the
term concerto was used to indicate a composition
for one solo instrument
with orchestral accompaniment. Initially it was in four movements
(slow, fast, slow, fast), then the Vivaldi-style, in three movements
(fast, slow, fast), prevailed.
Virtuoso violinists started to write concertos for
their own instrument, therefore we have many violin concertos as the
violin had become the most prominent instrument.
The classicism concerto form was very clearly defined,
similar to the sonata form:
Here I'll list the more significant
works for viola with orchestra and those
that are available in
modern editions.
The list below already contains a quite large number of works but for those who want a complete list of (nearly) all works ever composed (even if never published), found, kept in libraries, out of print, they are in the catalogue "Literature für Viola" by Franz Zeyringer.
Of course, more and more concertos are being composed nowadays, so if you are a composer who wrote and published a concerto for viola or a player who knows about a published viola concerto and would like to see your viola concerto listed here, send me a message.
Click on the normal links in the following list if you want to buy the sheet music to play a concerto or click on the bold title to read more on that concerto.
the term Baroque, music historians refer to a period that roughly goes
from 1600 to 1750. The best known
Baroque composers were Bach, Haendel, Telemann, Vivaldi, Corelli.
There are not many concertos for viola in the Baroque era. However,
the first known viola concerto
is a Baroque one, by Georg Phillip
Telemann, read about it. Here they
There are two more "Baroque concertos for viola" which were actually
written by the violist and composer Henry Casadesus at the end of the
19th century:
Anyway, they are nice additions to the viola repertoire of this period.
Considering the broader, original meaning of the term concerto, we can include also works
featuring the viola in a solo (or
concertante) role with other
instruments. Such works are:
Classicism is a musical period
quite well defined: conventionally it goes from about 1750 to mid 19th
century, including composers such as Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Rolla.
There are several
concertos for viola, although they are not
very well known. The most famous
classical concertos for viola and orchestra are:
Other classical viola concertos available:
Here too, we consider the broader meaning of the term concerto and include other works
featuring the viola in a solo, concertante role with
Among these, there is one of the most wonderful works ever written: Mozart Sinfonia Concertante for violin,
viola and orchestra.
There are more:
was a literary and artistic movement started in Germany and flourished
all over Europe from about 1820-30 for about a century. Musically, it
was characterized by the
rise of many virtuoso performers of nearly all instruments. The most
famous, the personification of all virtuosos was Nicolò
Paganini, maybe the most famous violin player, who played the viola
Other virtuosos were performers such as Chopin, Liszt
for the piano, the double bass player Bottesini just to name a few.
From the Romantic era, there are no compositions that
can be called real concertos for viola and orchestra. in fact, the
violin was the undisputed protagonist of the musical scene, together
with the piano. However, there are some very good works with the viola
in a concertante role with orchestra.
From the beginning of 20th century many composers start to
write more viola
compositiones including concertos, especially thanks to viola champions Lionel
first and William Primrose later. Thanks to them the viola has become
accepted as a solo instrument at the same level of violin and cello
and now it's normal for composers to write concertos for viola.
The two most famous ones are:
followed by several more concertos:
Walton viola concerto, first movement
Performed by William
Primrose, conducted by William Walton
Other works with
the viola in a concertante role
with orchestra:
composed the first viola concerto
Bach's Brandenburg Concerto 6 for 2 solo violas
Play-along accompanied by your own orchestra
Concerto recordings without the soloist
Paganini kisses Berlioz’s hands after hearing
Harold in Italy, Symphony with solo viola,
originally composed for him
Bruch's really unique
viola & clarinet concerto
Trauermusik by Hindemith
Viola solo for a king
Buy Viola in Music's Collection of 13 famous tunes (19 pages)
£7.99 and download them instantly
They are in their original keys, so you can play them in sessions with other instruments
Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Michael Turner’s waltz (2 versions)
greenwood tree
The south wind
Fanny Power
Ye banks and braes
Skye boat song
My Bonnie
My love is
like a red, red rose
Sportsman’s hornpipe
The road to Lisdoonvarna
Danny Boy (Londonderry Air)
Iron legs
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