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Your Viola News! Issue #010 - Walton Viola Concerto: one of the finest November 02, 2010 |
Hello, is the website to really discover the gorgeous viola. If you like this e-zine, please forward it and do a friend and me a big favor. If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe VIOLA NEWS! * * * * Issue 10 * * * * 2 November 2010Hello, music and viola lover!
as you may know, there is more viola repertoire than most people (as well as musicians and even violists) think, it's just a bit hidden away. It's also true that viola repertoire enlarged a lot during the 20th century, thanks to its first champions, Lionel Tertis and William Primrose, and others who followed their example. Therefore, there are many more modern concertos and other works for/with viola from the last century than from the previous ones. What is your favourite modern viola concerto? Mine is Walton viola concerto, no doubt. If you don't know it, you must not miss this new page about it, this melancholic yet full of energy Concerto for viola and orchestra by William Walton. You can read about Walton's life, his simple origins, people who had an important role in his life, his successful musical career. Among many other works, he composed the music for two royal coronations and was knighted. Walton was an English man but loved the sun and character of Latin countries. He married an Argentinian girl and went to live on an island in the Bay of Naples, in Italy. There, they created a wonderful garden and musical centre. Read how the concerto came to be composed, for whom and who premiered it. Most important, listen to great performances of it, while you read a description of the movements. There is a new feature on the website: you can leave your comment and rating of the page, so please, do it. I'd love to know what you think. So, here's the link to Walton viola concerto page: Look forward to your comments. Best wishes Monica Cuneo Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this e-zine and tell me what you think! © All rights reserved |
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